No, Apple auto-correct, I really didn’t want you to autocorrect “you” to “YouTube”.
It looks like you can now buy a Leica SL (601), the original model, for $1200-1500. This camera takes photos that are every bit the equal (if not better) than the $4000 Leica M10. Beautiful files. OK fast autofocus. Excellent viewfinder. It’s large and heavy, but that’s what it takes to build a camera that feels like a tank. With an inexpensive adapter (though no one would consider Leica’s inexpensive) you can use all of your tiny, sharp, and full of character, M-lenses. This is the absolute best value in the Leica universe.
Small town budget priorities
My small Maine town of 20,000 people is buying a $380,000 assault vehicle for the police department. The only reason they need it is because of the Supreme Court allowing unfettered access to guns of war. Meanwhile, every time I drive through town it feels like my vehicle is being shaken apart due to the awful condition of the roads. I think our priorities are all screwed up, and it’s time to do something about it. #brunswickmaine
“In the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face and took some deep breaths. I didn’t feel like I was going to throw up, but I also didn’t not feel like I was going to throw up. I figured “mind over matter,” and tried to will myself to feel better. I prayed that the next course would be somewhat more palatable, maybe a PB&J or a matzoh ball soup.
Instead it was raw squid on grilled koji.”
Adam Roberts - on his meal at Noma. I’ve always admired the food philosophy of the chef at Noma, Rene Redzepi, but I fear that my reaction would be much the same. I don’t want to eat a fish eyeball, no matter how nicely prepared.